The DSC Foundation’s purpose is to support the mission and vision of the Dallas Safari Club by being the charitable giving and receiving arm of that organization. The Foundation was established in June 2015 as a tax-exempt non-profit corporation under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the DSC Foundation are deductible as charitable donations as permitted under Section 170.
Our Mission
The mission of the DSC Foundation is to promote the global conservation of wildlife and its habitats by supporting well-regulated hunting and sustainable use. We accomplish this through education, public engagement, and providing direct financial support to organizations working toward these same objectives.
The DSC Foundation Board of Directors & Advisors
DSC Chapter Supporters
In addition to the Dallas Safari Club, we would like to recognize and thank the many DSC Chapters throughout the country who provide ongoing support to the DSCF.
DSC New Mexico Chapter
DSC Northeast Chapter
DSC Oklahoma Chapter
DSC Permian Basin
DSC Safari Anyone Club
DSC South Florida
DSC South Louisiana
DSC South Texas Chapter
DSC Tennessee Chapter
DSC Texas Panhandle Chapter
DSC Utah Chapter
DSC of Wyoming Chapter, Inc.
The DSC Foundation Staff